Chapters & Scenes

Each Writer Helper book contains:

  • book info (like title, type, cover, writer, etc.),
  • chapters,
  • scenes (from chapters).

Book page

After creation, the book does not contain any chapters and scenes (except if you chose to start your book by writing a scene).
You can create chapters & scenes on this page.
To create a scene, you need to create a chapter first.

New scene creation will open a new page where you can write your scene.
You will come back to book page via a “Go To Book” button.

Manage the order of your chapters & scenes

Writer Helper allows you to change the order of chapters and scenes by drag-and-drop as long as your chapters and scenes are not edited yet.
You can’t put a chapter in another chapter though.
Here’s an example.

After drag-and-drop of chapters and scenes, chapters and scenes numbering has changed.
But the chapters’ title and scenes’ description stay the same.

N.B.: You can’t drag-and-drop a scene in a scene-less chapter.

You’ll have to create a scene in this chapter first.

Chapter page

Each chapter is defined by its title and its scenes.
A chapter’s title can be composed of a number and a custom title.
You can choose to display only the chapter’s number or chapter’s title or both.

Here too, you can re-organise the scenes by drag-an-drop.

Scene page

Each scene is defined by a short description and the scene text.

You will notice, on the left of the page, a chapters & scenes list.
The scenes are represented by circles. And a crossed circle represents the scene you’re writing.
By placing the mouse cursor on each circle, the short description of the scene will be displayed.
This will allow you to always know where you are when writing a scene.
You can go from scene to scene by clicking on the circle too.

Editing a scene

When editing a scene, a new field will be displayed.
It will contain your notes from the scene.

These notes will also be displayed when the scene will return to the draft status.